Response to UCL's Provost: time to catch up with the evidence!
While thousands of people involved in this strike have come to understand that the USS valuation that triggered the action is based on a fundamentally faulty methodology, our Provost shows how out of touch he is by simply reproducing the Universities UK position in a direct message to staff. His message fails to respond to the comprehensive debunking this position has very publicly received (see links at end of this blog). He has taken to issuing direct communications to staff since he faced a staff rebellion last May and this latest one is a testament to how our institutions is under the control of a Senior Management at odds with the staff of UCL and which regularly undermines the learning community that a university should be. We give our responses to his, strangely badly-researched, points below (taken uncritically from UUK) and supply a reading list with analyses that provide actual evidence and argument showing why the UUK position is deeply, deeply faulty (both substantively...