Elections to Academic Board's new Governance Committee - Deadline 29 June - our view

The below message was sent out to all our members. It concerns the elections being held to the new Academic Board Governance Committee that was established through a vote at Academic Board. See our report on the Special Meeting where this happened. On such a crucial issue we have given our view of the kind of list of candidates that would fight secure academic values in the face of Senior Management control.

Message begins
This message is especially directed at our members on Academic Board, but it is important that the wider membership is aware of what is happening too.

A new Governance Committee has been set up by academic board after an unprecedented Special Meeting on which we recently reported. This committee is charged with scrutinizing decisions and policies at UCL for their impact on academic work and academic community (including the work of those who support academics in their work).

It is essential that this committee works for academic values, freedom, and community, and represents the voices of those whose vision of a university is as a community of learning and scholarship rather than a business. For this reason, we have decided to highlight the following list of candidates for this election, given that their statements (and past actions) mention explicit commitment to academic values. Members wondering how to vote might note that this is a clear “Academic Values” List.

How you vote is entirely down to you, but we believe these reflections are useful for our members.

Academic Values Candidates for Governance Committee: explicitly committed to making academic freedom, values, and community a priority (starred candidates were signatories to the original letter calling for a Special Meeting of AB and proposing a Governance Committee):

Alun Coker (SLMS – Medicine)*
Rachele De Felice (SLASH – English ) *
Evangelos Himonides (IOE) *
Margaret Mayston (SLMS - Biosciences) *
Reecha Sofat (SLMS - Medicine) *
James Wilson (SLASH – Philosophy)

Izzat Darwazeh (BEAMS - Engineering) *
Elizabeth (Lizzy) Fischer (SLMS – Inst. Neurology)
Derek Gilroy (SLMS - Immunology) *
Jeff King (SLASH - Laws)
Mark Maslin (SLASH - Geography) *
Jane Rendell (BEAMS - Bartlett)
Ralf Schoepfer (SLMS - Biosciences) *
Sacha Stern (SLASH – Hebrew and Jewish Studies)
Judith Suissa (IOE)


UCL UCU Executive Committee

Sent on behalf of the UCL UCU Executive Committee by

Donna Guthrie
Branch Administrator, UCL University and College Union
UCU Office, Room 405, 4th Floor, 4 Taviton Street.
London WC1H 0BT
Tel: 020 7679 1091 ( ext. 21091)
Email: ucu@ucl.ac.uk 
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