UCL UCU's Letter to the Provost and his (HR's) Reply

UCU Wrote to our Provost in September on the USS question and UCL's position on it at Universities UK. This is our letter: Professor Michael Arthur President and Provost University College London University College London UCU Branch President: Saladin Meckled-Garcia, Political Science Secretary: Tony Brown, Information Systems Division Enquiries: ucu@ucl.ac.uk, www.ucl.ac.uk/unions/UCU Thursday, 28 September 2017 Dear Professor Arthur I am writing briefly on behalf of UCU to explore UCL’s position on the current valuation of the USS pension scheme. As you will recall, I wrote to you in 2014 regarding the valuation methodology at that time. I enclose that letter. Despite substantial concessions by UCU members and increased contributions from subscribing employers, we appear to be at a similar position with the current valuation as we were at the ...